Aizome (Indigo Dyeing)

Tokushima Prefecture has a centuries-long history of indigo farming and dyeing. Locally grown indigo, known as Awa-
ai, is prized for its high quality. Its production by traditional fermentation techniques, though labor-intensive and time-consuming, is still carried out today. It is said that the British chemist Robert William Atkinson (1850–1929) was impressed by the rich blue colors he saw upon visiting Japan in the 1870s. Atkinson coined the term “Japan Blue,” an expression now known worldwide, especially to fans of Japanese denim. Nearly 150 years later, the color indigo was chosen for the official emblems of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. Visitors to Tokushima can experience a hands-on workshop in
aizomeindigo dyeing.
The History of Indigo in Tokushima
The indigo plant is said to have come to Awa Province (the former name for Tokushima Prefecture) in the Muromachi period (1336–1573). The farming of it developed from the Edo period (1603–1868). Cultivation spread from mountainous areas to the fields alongside the Yoshino River, which runs across the northern part of the prefecture. Frequent flooding makes this area unsuitable for rice farming, but the rich soil and abundance of water were well-suited to indigo. The first lord of Tokushima, Hachisuka Iemasa (1558–1638), promoted its cultivation and the establishment of what was to become a booming industry.
By the early Edo period (1603–1868) an increase in cotton production contributed to a nationwide demand for Awa-
ai, as its pigment was used widely in dyeing. Indigo blue was one of the few bright colors that commoners were permitted to wear in the strict days of samurai rule. This helped to increase demand even more.
Indigo cultivation peaked in 1903, then dropped as cheaper synthetic substitutes were imported from overseas. The tradition of indigo production in Tokushima never completely died out, however. In recent years, interest in natural products and traditional methods of craft production have helped to raise Awa-
ai’s profile once again.
The Indigo Dyeing Process
While each Awa indigo producer brings their own special techniques to pigment production and indigo dyeing, the basic procedure is similar. The leaves of the indigo plants are ground and dried, then splashed with water and allowed to ferment for about three months. This produces a pungent substance called
sukumo, the base for dyeing. The pigment at this stage, however, is not yet water-soluble, and requires further processing. The
sukumois mixed with a glucose solution and sake or wheat bran, then fermented again at carefully controlled temperatures for another week or so.
Once the dye bath is ready, the cloth is dipped into it repeatedly. With each immersion, a new layer of blue depth is slowly revealed. After the cloth is thoroughly rinsed in clean water and allowed to dry, the bright color of indigo will deepen over time.
A number of workshops in the city of Tokushima offer visitors the chance to try indigo dying and produce a one-of-a-kind souvenir
德岛县拥有数百年的蓼蓝(含靛蓝较多的一种植物)种植和染色历史。当地种植的蓼蓝被称为“阿波蓝”,因其高品质而备受推崇。德岛蓝染采用传统发酵工艺,虽然费时费力,但一直被坚持至今。据说,英国化学家罗伯特·威廉·阿特金森(Robert William Atkinson,1850-1929)在1875年访问日本时,对这种浓郁的蓝色留下了深刻印象,遂创造了“日本蓝”一词。如今,“日本蓝”早已举世闻名,对于日本牛仔布的拥趸而言更是耳熟能详。约150年后,靛蓝被选为2020东京奥运会和残奥会的官方会徽色。来访者可以在德岛的蓝染工坊亲身体验这项染色工艺。
德島縣擁有數百年的蓼藍(含靛藍較多的一種植物)種植和染色歷史,當地種植的蓼藍被稱為「阿波藍」,因品質優良而備受推崇。德島藍染採用傳統發酵工藝,雖然費時費力,但一直被堅持至今。據說,英國化學家羅伯特·威廉·阿特金森(Robert William Atkinson,1850-1929)於1875年訪問日本時,便對這種濃郁的藍色留下了深刻印象,遂創造了「日本藍」一詞。如今,「日本藍」早已舉世聞名,對於日本牛仔布的愛好者而言更是耳熟能詳。近150年後,靛藍被選為2020東京奧運會和帕奧會的官方會徽色。遊客可以在德島的藍染工坊親身體驗這項染色技藝。
Hyotanjima Cruise

Tokushima is nicknamed “The City of Water.” This scenic cruise, which lasts about thirty minutes, ferries visitors along the waterways and under the bridges that characterize the capital. The ride takes its name, meaning “Gourd Island,” from the shape of the city center—an area of about six kilometers, bordered by two rivers.
Embarking from the floating pier of Ryogokubashi Bridge Kitazume, the cruise boats travel the Shinmachi and Suketo Rivers in a circular route, passing under 19 bridges along the way. When water levels are high, the boats only just manage to squeeze under some of them, adding a note of excitement to the journey. Passengers will see various areas of the city, both residential and commercial, as well as the yacht harbor and a number of attractive riverside parks. Although the cruise itself is free, there is a small fee for insurance purposes. Advance reservations are not required.
Yusanbako (Wooden Lunch Boxes)

Three-tiered, lacquered, wooden lunch boxes, known as
yusanbako, were a staple of childhood in Tokushima.Children carried the colorful lunch boxes when they went to the fields, the mountains, or the beach with their friends. Although
yusanbakofell out of daily use from the 1960s, recent efforts by researchers and craftspeople have resulted in a renewed interest in the custom.
A Childhood Tradition
yusanbakois a set of three small, square-shaped stacking trays fit into a boxed frame. A vertically sliding lid keeps the trays securely in place. When it is time to eat, the lid is pulled up and out to reveal the drawers inside. The whole is carried by a handle set on the top.
Traditionally, the bottom tier of the
yusanbakowould be filled with some form of rice, such as sushi, or sweet and tangy
inarizushi—pockets of fried tofu stuffed with rice. The middle tray would hold simmered vegetables, while the top was reserved for something sweet. One treat especially popular among children in Tokushima was
uiro, a steamed cake made of rice flour and sugar.
yusanbakotradition has roots in Tokushima’s agricultural heritage. At a time when much of the population lived in small farming communities, daily life revolved around the seasons. The coming of spring was celebrated with a rare day off, when villagers would enjoya picnic together outdoors.
The design of
yusanbakodeveloped from larger three-tiered boxes designed to carry food for an entire family. Smaller versions for children probably appeared toward the end of the Edo period (1603–1868).
Yusanbakowith painted designs grew in popularity during the Meiji era (1868–1912). In time, they came to be associated with Hinamatsuri, or the Doll’s Festival.
In Tokushima, both girls and boys would gather with friends for a picnic lunch to mark this rite of spring. Many older residents still have fond childhood memories of their
yusanbakoand those festive excursions with schoolmates. Typically, each child of elementary school age had his or her own box that would be brought out yearly just for this occasion.
As families became smaller and more people moved from agriculture to other kinds of work in the days of economic expansion after World War II, demand for
yusanbakodeclined, as did the number of craftspeople making them.
Yusanbako Today
The publication of a 2006 book by Miyake Masahiro, an academic and researcher with an interest in food culture, helped to revive the tradition of
yusanbako. He collaborated with local craftspeople to come up with a simpler, less expensive alternative to the original version.
Yusanbakopainting workshops have since become a popular activity with families and school groups, as well as visitors who want a one-of-a-kind souvenir from Tokushima.
The traditional lacquered
yusanbako are also available, and may be purchased as a special gift for a new bride or to celebrate a baby’s birth. People sometimes use the lunch boxes for decorative purposes, or to store and display things such as confectionery or accessories. In addition, groups with an interest in history or food culture hold lectures or events to promote appreciation of this aspect of childhood culture in Tokushima.
This English-language text was created by the Japan Tourism Agency.